Gardening tips for June


Gardening tips for June

It's important that you check plants daily and water them if the soil is dry — especially newly planted fruit trees and shrubs that are still getting established.

Harden off any remaining half-hardy bedding plants ready for planting out. Use blinds or apply shade paint to prevent your greenhouse from overheating. Remember to open vents and doors on warm days. Keep on top of weeding. Your plants shouldn’t have to compete for precious water, light, and nutrients.


Things to do this month

• Harden off and move hanging baskets and containers growing on in the greenhouse into their final position. If your hanging basket plants become leggy, trim off the excess to encourage bushy new growth.

• Continue to thin out drifts of hardy annual plants if they're overcrowded.

• Lift and divide clumps of snowdrops and bluebells once the leaves start to yellow.

• Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of flower bulbs and tubers.

• Wait for bulb foliage to die down naturally before cutting back.

• Pinch out the tips of fuchsias to encourage a bushy habit and more flowers. For more information about getting the most out of your fuchsias, check out our fuchsia hub today.

• Start to pick sweet peas as soon as they flower to encourage more blooms.

• Dead-head your roses if they’re repeat-flowering types. Otherwise, leave the seed heads on for decoration.

• Dead-head and cut back oriental poppies after flowering. Cutting them close to ground level will stimulate new foliage.

• Stake tall perennial plants to prevent wind damage.

• As new shoots grow, use soft ties to train climbing plants such as honeysuckle and clematis to their supports.

• Prune out overcrowded or dead stems of evergreen clematis once they have finished flowering, to maintain a good shape.

• Towards the end of June, if your hardy geraniums have finished flowering, cut them back to encourage new foliage and flowers. For more information about growing your own gorgeous geraniums, head on over to our new geranium hub.

• Harvest flower heads from your lavender plants to use in baking, crafting, or as a garnish to your meals.


More information

> Attracting wildlife to your garden
> Create a wildlife area in a shady corner


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Jobs for this month

June 21 is the longest day of the year, and the extra light and warmth encourages the garden to put on an exuberant burst of growth. But this extra light and warmth also means weeds will sprout up from seemingly nowhere. Keep on top of them by hoeing regularly in dry conditions.


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