Look after your lawn in the summer

It’s worth making the effort to keep your lawn looking good throughout the summer and this effort will see you through Autumn and Winter. Persistent hot and dry weather can quickly affect the appearance and overall health of your grass. So it’s no surprise that watering and grass cutting regularly will keep your lawn pristine!
Garden parties, barbecues and lawn games will leave your grass screaming out. Don’t worry too much about damage, your lawn is there to be enjoyed and as long as you follow the advice below, it will bounce back quickly.
Cut the grass regularly.
With growth slowing, it’s easy to leave it that extra week between cuts. Don’t! You will now probably need to increase the regularity with which you mow your lawn. If the conditions are good which they should be if you are watering, you may need to cut twice a week to keep it looking good. But beware! Don’t cut the grass too short as this can cause damage.
Feed and condition.
To keep your lawn looking green and healthy, apply aftercut treatment directly after mowing. This can be used every 3 to 4 weeks until November! You will notice the difference in just 3 days. Your lawn will be greener and it will also protect against hot, dry weather. A well fed lawn can withstand drought much better.
Keep on top of weeds and moss.
The grass growth might be slowing but those weeds don’t ever seem to suffer from the dry conditions! Small patches of weeds can be treated effectively using a selective weed killer. But you may be better to simply dig them out, to avoid stressing the grass. For larger areas of weeds, you may have no choice.
Watch out for lawn pests.
Keep a watch out for chewed lawn roots and patchy lawns that may indicate a problem with leather jackets and chafer grubs. These are underground larvae that feed on grass roots and be controlled using naturally occurring nematodes.
The most important thing is to quench your lawns thirst and give it a much-deserved drink. Water in the evening when the moisture is likely to soak in rather than evaporate. Avoid giving your lawn a light sprinkling every day, as this can cause the roots to grow shallow and be prone to drying out. When it’s dry, a good soaking once or twice a week is much more beneficial for your lawn. It’s worth noting that a well fed and maintained lawn will have a stronger and deeper root system, enabling it to withstand and recover from long dry periods. Why not feed and water your lawn at the same time? Hose end feeders can help you apply a feed as you water, alternatively, soluble feeds can be applied via a watering can.
Get an indicative price to cut your lawn without even stepping outside to measure your lawn.