
Scientific Name: Tipula paludosa
Due to the recent mild (but very wet) winters the growth of leatherjackets (they turn into what is commonly known as Daddy Long legs or Crane Fly) in lawns in both quantity and size has been increasing dramatically.
How to spot if you have leatherjackets
Leatherjacket larvae exist just below the soil and eat grass roots to survive. Often you will notice patches of grass turning yellow or brown as the grass plants start to die. Sometimes, if your lawns are cut on a regular basis, just a thinning of your lawn is the only indication. Another good indication that you may have a leatherjacket problem is if birds are ‘digging’ in your lawn leaving small holes with their beaks. If left untreated the larvae turns into adult Crane Fly’s in August/September having attacked various areas of your lawn, where they have established themselves for around a year. The female will then lay her eggs in your lawn and the cycle continues.
Recommended Treatments
Biological Control
Leatherjackets can be tackled biologically by the introduction of a pathogenic nematode, Steinernema feltiae, which is then watered into your turf. The nematode infect the leatherjackets with a bacterial disease that kills the leatherjacket before maturity. For nematodes to be effective, they need to be applied in September or October on well drained moist soil and the temperature needs to be a minimum of 12 C for the nematodes to be active in their work.
Chemical Control
A usually more effective method is to apply an approved insecticide. Only applied once a year the chemical can certainly reduce the number of larvae if not eradicate the larvae totally, removing a great deal of stress to your lawn plants. Your whole lawn is covered with the chemical, not just the identified areas, and once dry is harmless to children and pets, (we simply ask you to keep off the lawn for a couple of hours or so following application).
Get an indicative price to cut your lawn without even stepping outside to measure your lawn.