How to maintain a healthy lawn

The first and most important method of maintaining a healthy lawn is to cut it on a regular basis, either fortnightly or weekly during the growing season. You should never cut more than a third of the grass blade at any time, as this pulls at the root of the grass.
Using a mower with a roller is also beneficial, as after the grass blade has been cut a roller then splits the blade resulting in two blades forming, thus thickening the appearance of your lawn. Always ensure your mower blade is sharp. A blunt blade on your mower will tear your grass rather then cut it. When torn your grass blade is susceptible to disease and often the roots are also loosened. Traditional gardeners say grass should not be cut in the wet! It stems from the days when the equipment used was less efficient than today’s range of mowers but more importantly, they would prefer to work in the greenhouse for the day, in the dry. If rain is due, it is often a good idea to leave grass cuttings on the lawn as they are a natural feed for a lawn. During dry spells it is also a good idea to leave cuttings on the lawn.
The majority of people think that a Spring Feed is the most important feed of the year . . . If you only ever feed your lawn once a year the most important feed is the Autumn Feed. Ideally, you would feed your lawn a minimum of three times a year, Spring, Summer and Autumn. To some this may sound excessive, but compared to the local Greens Keeper who feeds his greens at least monthly during the growing season.
Weed Control
Many weeds will continue to spread if left unchecked. Weeds generally thrive in poor soil conditions and many will take over patches where the grasses are weakest. Years ago, the only method available to us was to dig up weeds, to the best of our ability. Unfortunately, it is rare that the whole root is taken out and the problem is made worst. Today, the best method is to apply a specialist lawn weed killer to your grass areas, as a weed killer will kill the whole plant, including the roots.
Get an indicative price to cut your lawn without even stepping outside to measure your lawn.