How often should you mow your lawn?
For grass to grow it requires three basic elements, heat, water and nutrients. These factors will determine the speed of grass growth and will of course vary on where you are living. Grass needs a temperature of at least 5 Celsius to grow, and will grow at varying speeds depending on the temperature. During extremely hot or cold periods grass growth will be slowed.
Typically most people will cut the grass for the first time when the weather begins to get warmer, probably around March when the grass really starts to grow. The first cut of the grass growing season is also probably the most important too, but remember on the first cut or two never mow the grass far too short.
The general answer is to never mow more than 1/3rd off the total length. This however needs to be adjusted for grass species, time of year and relative weather and ground conditions. A more honest answer to the question would be little but often.
Lawn mowing is one of the most frequent, and most important, tasks in maintaining a healthy lawn. Getting the cutting height and mowing frequency right can make a huge difference to the on-going health of the lawn.
During Spring and Autumn, lawns are normally mowed once every two weeks and in summer on average, mowed weekly, dropping to twice a week during periods of drought.
For most average lawns, 20 to 30 mows a year would probably be sufficient for more formal lawns 34 - 36 plus mows a year would be the norm.
Surprisingly, lawn mowing doesn’t automatically stop at the end of November, winter mowing should still be undertaken if the ground conditions permit and the weather is mild and the grass is still growing. A monthly mow during December, January and February is becoming more the norm due to climate change.
Knowing when to undertake the final mow of the season and to the correct cut height is an art and by getting it right will help protect your lawn over winter.
Whilst a good mowing regime will make a big difference in stimulating grass growth and the health of your lawn, mowing your lawn is not just about when and how many times it requires cutting, there is a correct and wrong way to mowing and at nicenstripy we see more lawns that have been damaged and in some cases beyond repair due to poor mowing practices.
One of the advantages of engaging nicenstripy to take over your lawn mowing is that we can assess your lawn at each visit. Our lawn mowing experts will mow your lawn to the correct height for the season and weather conditions, we would recommend when the next cut is to be scheduled, consider bi-directional mowing and take all of your waste way or even help you turn your grass cuttings into compost. We use the most suitable and professional mowers for the task in hand. Leaving you to sit back and enjoy your lawn without doing any of the hard work.
By combining our lawn mowing and lawn treatment packages not only represents excellent value for money – you may just be pleasantly surprised at how cost effective it is! It will ensure that your lawn is always looking its best but more importantly free up valuable time for you to enjoy the weekend with one less chore to worry about.
If you would like to know about our nicenstripy lawn mowing service we are only a phone call away.